
Unified Ceilometer Network

Providing a comprehensive three-dimensional assessment of the chemical and dynamical processes in the lower atmosphere in collaboration with the UMBC, EPA, NASA and NOAA.


Simply Scribe

AI medical scribe platform to transcribe and generate SOAP/custom reports to automate physician workflows


Glassdoor App Filler

Automates application processes on Glassdoor based on user specifications/qualifications, fills over 100 apps in 30 minutes

Demo | Repo


To Do List

Calendar to monitor all your appointments/tasks



Lead of Website Development, helped organize and set up Hackathons at UMBC developing website, login registration systems, and managed thousands of event attendees



Reddit Sale Finder

Finds sales across Reddit for products & brands that you want via email notifications



TD Ameritrade bot (TDrade)

bot to automate trades, monitor, and invest reverves into your portfolio periodically based on percentage based budgets



Workout Logger

IOS/Android app to monitor and track your lifting progess over time over Google Cloud

More Projects on Github



Full Stack Developer

don't settle

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If you don't like how something works...go fix it


focused on fulfillment, freelancing, freedom
